Phone: 905-648-3308
Hamilton Gymnastic Academy

About Our Coaches

All of our staff are NCCP Certified and CPR trained. Most of our coaches have come up through our programs here at HGA and been here for many years. All of our coaches are dedicated to providing a fun filled, safe learning environment for your child as they have experienced themselves.

Coaches Christmas Demo
Run for Autism

Don Marinacci

(Head Coach)

Coaching Level:
Level 4 Gymnastics

How long have you been involved in Gymnastics?
All my life. I started gymnastics when I was 5 yrs old.  At that time there were no formal gymnastics classes.

What age groups and levels do you currently coach?
Competitive and Pre-Competitive ages 5-6 years, 10-13 years, and 17-18 years.

Memories as a Coach.
Winning Canadian Championships and beating all other Canadian Clubs.
It is great to work with children for they are our future. They are not limited by our pre-conceived notion.

Heather Park

Coaching Level: 
Level 2 Gymnastics 
Level 2 Trampoline

What age groups and levels do you currently coach? 
Recreational ages 2 to 4 years.
Enhanced Kindergym ages 2 to 6 years.

Memories as a Coach? 
Having worked here for so many years there are too many happy and memorable times to write down. I do however treasure the fact that so many of my former students have become coaches themselves. I hope that I have passed my love of teaching children and the love of gymnastics on to them. They are all such great coaches and I am so proud of them.

I like coaching gymnastics because it is a beautiful sport, but more importantly it is a sport that actually teaches children self confidence.

No matter what leve the gymnast is at they are learning how to set goals, work towards those goals and overcome fear.

Hamilton Gymnastic Academy has been providing high quality gymnastic instruction to thousands of children in our community since 1981.
HGA serves Ancaster, Hamilton, Brantford, Caledonia, and Flamborough with both Competitive and Recreational Gymnastics Programs

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Hamilton Gymnastic Academy
1330 Sandhill Drive, Ancaster, ON, L9G 4V5
Phone: 905-648-3308

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