Phone: 905-648-3308
Hamilton Gymnastic Academy

Flying Dragons 1 and 2

Registration for 2024/25 Rec Programs is now Open!

2024/25 Rec Brochure and Prices
Click Here to REGISTER ONLINE using 'Uplifter'

FLYING DRAGONS 1: 6-8yrs (90 min)-Boys

FLYING DRAGONS 2: 9 & up (90 min)-Boys

This program blends the basics of gymnastics tumbling with non-contact martial arts leaps and spins.

This class focuses on strength, flexibility, acrobatics and martial arts.

Please Note: Flying Dragons are not offered in the Summer.

Boys are welcome to join Mighty Mites and Twisters.
Flying Dragons will return in the Fall.

Session Dates

FLYING DRAGONS 1 (2024-2025)
Held on: Sundays
2024-09-05 to 2025-06-24
( 10:00am - 11:30am )
Click here for Details.....

FLYING DRAGONS 2 (2024-2025)
Held on: Sundays
2024-09-05 to 2025-06-24
( 11:30am - 1:00pm )
Click here for Details.....

Hamilton Gymnastic Academy has been providing high quality gymnastic instruction to thousands of children in our community since 1981.
HGA serves Ancaster, Hamilton, Brantford, Caledonia, and Flamborough with both Competitive and Recreational Gymnastics Programs

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Hamilton Gymnastic Academy
1330 Sandhill Drive, Ancaster, ON, L9G 4V5
Phone: 905-648-3308

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