Phone: 905-648-3308
Hamilton Gymnastic Academy

School Trips to HGA

Good News - We are allowed to have School Trips again!

Teachers, this is a safe and exciting way to incorporate gymnastics into your PhysEd program. Great also for Day Cares, Community Groups and Camps. Suitable for kids 2 and up. We provide qualified NCCP trained instructors. Kids have full use of ALL of our equipment.


Fridays: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Fridays: 1:00pm - 2:30pm

We run field trips all year long.


The Hamilton Gymnastic Academy is a permanently set up dedicated year round Gymnastics Facility.

This 14,000 square foot facility is a completely outfitted gym with a 48' x 48' Olympic sized spring floor, two large inground pits, and two in ground trampolines.

Our 50' long tumbling trampoline is called a tumble track.  It is a great training device for learning tumbling.

The Academy take every possible safety precaution to reduce the possibility of injury. We have a lot of safety features: safety always comes first.  Many clubs don't have anywhere near the number of mats that we have. We provide large landing mats under all of the equipment so when children do fall they land on a soft surface.

Our dedication to safety and our large number of mats make the HGA one of Canada's safest facilities.  

 Cost:  $20 / child 
(Minimum 20 Children)

to book a Field Trip

Hamilton Gymnastic Academy has been providing high quality gymnastic instruction to thousands of children in our community since 1981.
HGA serves Ancaster, Hamilton, Brantford, Caledonia, and Flamborough with both Competitive and Recreational Gymnastics Programs

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Hamilton Gymnastic Academy
1330 Sandhill Drive, Ancaster, ON, L9G 4V5
Phone: 905-648-3308

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